Fener & Balat are two historical villages located at the shore of Golden Horn in Istanbul. They are both reflecting the harmony of three different religions cultures that lived peacefully in Ottoman years. You can see a church in the beginning of a street and a mosque at the end while the synagogue stands at the rear street. So mainly the neighbourhood was formed of these different religion believers. Their life style, ethical beliefs and of course economical situation shaped the architecture of buildings, praying houses, streets, shopping and their destiny. If you are walking through the streets of Fener & Balat you will find out that each building actually has its own story. Nowadays the area became popular with new and younger businesses openings. Thus brought picturesque of Fener & Balat mixed with historical buildings forming colorful streets. I prepared a route for family travelers to find out the popping ...
Here you will find our family chronicles around the cities through the vision of a two kids' mom.